Six Factors that Can Trigger Binge Eating Episodes

Binge Eating Disorder

Over eating food does not mean you suffer from Binge Eating Disorder (BED). People may start binge eating due to some social or biological reasons. It is important to understand why someone starts to binge eat. Uncontrolled binge eating can lead to complications such as obesity, heart diseases, depression, diabetes etc. BED is a serious condition, and needs treatment so that further consequences can be avoided. This article describes the important causes and risk factors of BED.

Binge Eating Disorder

Read More : Binge Eating Disorder Basics

                      Binge Eating Disorder Causes & Risk Factors

We all tend to over eat food from time to time. Most of us find it difficult to avoid the temptation to have one extra bite of food item that is appealing in taste, consistency, texture, or even appearance. However, some people show a tendency of eating too much food even when they are not really hungry. BED is a serious illness in which people lose control over eating, and start eating too much food at a time. Eventually people develop a feeling of guilt, and start binge eating alone to hide their behavior. Many people overeat, but not all can be considered to be suffering from BED. It is important to understand the difference between overeating, and binge eating, because BED is a serious condition that can show some severe physical and mental consequences. The exact causes of BED are clearly known yet. However, some biological or social factors that may trigger binge eating episodes are discussed further.

Emotional Stress

Some stressful situations in life such as, loss of a loved one, difficult relationship, moving to a new place, financial problems, etc. can trigger binge eating in some people. Some scientific studies report that stress can trigger a drive to eat food, especially sugary and fatty food items. For some people, food becomes an inexpensive way to achieve relief from stress, and so they start comfort eating. The available evidence suggests that stress increases the activity of hormone known as “cortisol” which increases the consumption of glucose (sugar) by the brain. This may lead to intake of large amounts of sugary food during stressful situations. It is reported that depression, which may be caused due to stress, is responsible for causing binge eating episodes in some people.

Biological Abnormalities

Some hormones such as leptin and insulin, cholecystokinin, glucagon-like peptide-1, peptide YY (3-36), and ghrelin are involved in controlling our hunger. Under normal circumstances these hormones signal the brain about hunger or fullness. However, in some people the ghrelin signaling system does not function well, sending wrong signal to the brain about the satiety cues. Research also suggests that abnormal levels of brain chemicals like serotonin may contribute to binge eating.

Read More : Complications of Binge Eating Disorder

                    Diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder

Social Pressure

In many societies thin people receive more attention. This creates social pressure of achieving perfect body image on some people. Too much efforts, and control over eating conversely makes some people to start binge eating. These people tend to hide their abnormal eating habits, and eventually develop a feeling of embarrassment, shame, and guilt.

Family History

People who have siblings or parents having BED are at higher risk of developing the disorder themselves. Scientists suspect involvement of genes that cause BED to pass from one generation to the other.

Excessive Dieting

Some people adapt excessive controlled eating habits in order to get a thin body. Eventually this may trigger binge eating episodes. Dieting excessively during teens may also trigger binging behavior later in life.

Read More : 5 Proven Steps to Beat Eating Disorders

                    Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder

Teen Age

Although BED can affect people of any age, being in teens increases your risk of suffering from this disorder. Clinical studies report that onset of binge eating behavior generally occurs in late adolescence. Studies also suggest that during the teen age boys tend to show more binging behaviors as compared to girls. However, girls tend to be more embarrassed about binge eating.

The main objective of I Control My Health (ICMH) is to provide unbiased and evidenced-based scientific information to educate people about various diseases. The ICMH health portal has covered detailed information on Binge Eating Disorder (BED). The section describes symptoms, diagnosis, causes, and treatment options that are available for management of this disorder. Interestingly, ICMH has developed a rating system that helps people to understand which non-conventional method is best suited for their health condition.

Four Reasons Why You Suffer from Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder presents a very difficult mental state. People with bipolar disorder appear overexcited and full of energy during manic episodes, and suddenly become sad and isolated when they enter the depressive mode. Scientists do not know for sure, the causes of this mental disorder. However, there are some factors that are believed to trigger the manic or depressive episodes in bipolar disorder. This article outlines some of the factors responsible for causing bipolar disorder.


We all have ups and downs in mood as a reaction to various phases and situations in life. However, in bipolar disorder the mood changes are frequent and severe enough to have a negative impact on routine activities. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by extreme mood swings, which are known as depressive and manic episodes. During manic episodes, which may last for several weeks, a person appears over joyful, over excited and shows increased energy/activity level. Conversely, when depressed, the same person appears extremely sad and hopeless.  The transitioning from depressed to manic episodes may occur through a phase when person feels normal.

The exact biological mechanism of bipolar disorder is not fully understood yet. According to the scientists the factors listed below may be responsible for causing bipolar disorder in a vulnerable individual.

Read More: Causes & Risk Factors of Bipolar Disorder

Changes in Brain Structure

With the help of some latest brain-imaging tools such as, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), scientists have been successful in taking images of the living brain. Based on the recent research, scientists suggest that the brain of people with bipolar disorder shows some abnormalities in the structure, and hence their brain functions differently than normal brain.

Imbalance in Brain Chemicals

 Dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine are some important chemicals known as “neurotransmitters” that are secreted in the brain. These neurotransmitters are responsible for regulating various functions such as learning, alertness, sleep and mood in humans.  Some studies report that any imbalance in the synthesis, storage, or release of the neurotransmitters in the brain may cause bipolar disorder. Precisely, the levels of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine are decreased during the depressive episode and increased during manic episode.

Although the symptoms of bipolar disorder depression and unipolar depression (also known as major depression) are similar, the concentrations of these neurotransmitters are much lower during bipolar disorder depression.

Read More: How Is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed?

Having a Blood Relative with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder tends to run in the family from one generation to another. This means people who have a blood relative such as siblings or parents with bipolar disorder are commonly affected. Some studies suggest that, children who have parents or siblings with bipolar disorder are four to six times more likely to develop bipolar disorder, compared to children who do not have a blood relative with this illness. However, some studies have also revealed that some children with family history of bipolar may not develop the disorder. Also, a twin sibling of person with bipolar disorder need not necessarily suffer from the disease. This complicates the matter a bit, and therefore scientists are still studying to find the involvement of genes that increases one’s chance of developing the illness.

Social Factors

Some stressful situations in life such as loss of loved one, difficult relationship, financial crisis, or trauma may trigger manic or depressive episode in some people.

More Related Article:

How is Bipolar Disorder Treated?

What should you do if someone close to you is suffering from bipolar disorder?

IControlMyHealth is a health education website that has pioneered the concept of providing 360 degree view of scientifically proven treatment options to the. The editorial team performs a thorough literature search for latest and evidence based information about various health conditions. The Website contains a section on mood disorders including bipolar disorder that gives detailed information on basic on disease, the symptoms and management section that covers both conventional as well as non-conventional therapies. All the information has been provided in patient friendly language that is easy to understand.

Depression and Alcoholism – Life over a Glass of Drink

Depression and Alcoholism

“It’s with deep sadness we inform you the demise of Mr. Dominic, aged 40 years. He leaves behind a 34 years old wife and eight month old daughter.” I kept staring at these lines in the mail sent from someone, as slowly the computer screen began blurring in front of my eyes, taking me back to the childhood.


Uncle Dominic was a very vibrant, happy and an intelligent man who knew to value and live life. So what went wrong? A prior difficult relationship, loss of job, a bad circle of friends and heavy drinking, some of which are known to be the major risk factors for causing depressionWhat risk factors trigger depression? Yes, depression it is, ending life through a glass of drink.

Heavy alcohol consumption and depression have long been associated through clinical studies. Many cultures and societies consider drinking as a natural part of the routine life and social gatherings. The type of beverage, frequency and pattern of consumption varies widely based on geographic area, culture, gender, age, and even religion. Overall there is an increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide.

Click Here to Read Full Post : Life over a Glass of Drink

Some Easy Tips to Tackle your Obesity

Myth: By starving you can reduce weight

Yes it’s a myth, starving won’t help you in shedding those extra kilos. It will only lead to nutrient deficiencies, and various other health-related problems.

According to the researchers, the best option to tackle your obesity is to follow a healthy lifestyle, which includes healthy eating, physical activity, and sound sleep. Incorporating such healthy habits in your daily regime will not only help you in staying fit, but also improve your mood, and keep you happy.


Right Food at Right Time

One should eat right amount of food at right time. Here are few tips one should follow to have a healthy eating habits

  • Avoid sugary drinks such as soda and colas
  • Chew food slowly for a better digestion
  • Choose high fiber fruits
  • Do not overeat, don’t take even a bite if you are full
  • Don’t skip your breakfast
  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables

Must Read: Get your Fill of Fiber: Choose High Fiber Foods

Be Physically Active

Regular exercise is necessary to lose weight as well as to maintain correct weight for long-term. However, in our fast-paced world, it is difficult to maintain that regular regime of exercise. Therefore, by following some easy tips we can keep ourselves moving on a daily basis.

Be Physically Active During Office Hours

  •          Instead of escalator/lift, choose stairs
  •          Keep yourself moving by parking your car far from the office entrance
  •          Take a walk in the office corridor during your lunch breaks
  •          Use the restrooms/washrooms, which are far from your desks

Must Read : How to Stay Fit While You Work

Be Physically Active At Home

  •          Do your chores such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, gardening etc
  •          Evening exercises with your family such as soccer, cycling  can keep you active and energetic
  •          Take a bout walk after your dinner
  •          Walk with your kids to their school

Regular Exercise:

  •          Reduces your weight
  •          Prevents you from chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes
  •          Lowers your blood pressure and stress levels
  •          Strengthens your muscles and joints

Have a Sound Sleep

Sleep is the best way to rejuvenate yourself. According to the researchers, six to seven hours of sleep is necessary to keep yourself healthy. Adequate sleep keeps an optimal balance of two hormones; leptin that makes you feel full and ghrelin that makes you feel hungry. Lack of sleep leads to imbalance of these hormones, which further makes you feel hungry and results in overweight or obesity.

               Tips to Get Sound Sleep

  • Limit the intake of tea, coffee, or alcohol two to three hours before you go to bed
  • Try to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday
  • Turn off all the electronic gadgets, such as, TV, laptop, cell phones, before you fall asleep

Friend just share your feedback, suggestion in below comment box with our reader, how you are managing your obesity etc.

Must Read : Sleep is the Best Medication

Is Wealth Replacing your Health?

What choice would you make? A way that just makes you wealthy or the one where you can balance earning wealth while taking care of your health?

“I aspire to be like you one day,” I told my uncle when I visited him in the Intense Critical Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU). It was really heart wrenching to see a person like him lying helplessly on the hospital bed. Well- known for his iron will and strong determination, he was a man who started from scratch and developed a multi dollar business mansion in a span of three decades. Ask about his age, and he smiles and tells you, “I am 50 years young!”

Is Wealth Replacing your Health

While coming out from the hospital, I kept wondering where it all went wrong with him. Doctors were monitoring his condition closely as he had suffered a major heart attack. They said he was critical and the heart attack could have been averted if he had taken care of his health.

In today’s turbulent economic conditions, managing a business for an entrepreneur is an arduous task. Engaged in calls and meetings around the clock, sitting for long hours with the laptop, and incessant responsibilities take a toll on health. Usually people who manage their own businesses pay attention to every important task, but their health.

How to stay fit while sitting behind a desk all day?

But the big question is should you go about earning wealth at the cost of losing your health? Think about it from a business perspective – if it’s a gain at the loss of your health. Is it worth it? A wise answer would be an obvious “no.” By not paying enough attention to their health, entrepreneurs can manage to pass through their 20s and 30s with few health problems, but these issues catch up slowly. Whether it is the development of crippling back problemsdiabeteshigh blood pressure,high cholesterol, or digestive disorders, most of these conditions are very hard to reverse once they are set in.

For entrepreneurs, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of time for exercise, and a constantly stressed out mind, are some major factors which are responsible for the onset of major chronic diseases. To battle against them, one needs to consciously inculcate some small, yet significant changes in their lifestyle. To be hale and hearty make sure that you eat healthy food, take out time for some exercise every day, practice meditation and relaxation techniques to get rid of stress, avoid junk foods, and sleep adequately for about 7-8 hours every day.

Make healthy eating choices to keep productivity levels high

Regardless of your definition of success, make sure that you follow a healthy lifestyle to reap long term heath benefits. Just as your business thrives well when you take care of it, the same way your body and mind will function properly only if you adequately take care of it.

Adopt Walking as Part of Your Healthy Lifestyle

As Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it “The First wealth is health” and in life you should never barter your health with wealth. For all those who manage their businesses, this should serve as the right dose of motivation to take charge and manage their health as well.

Read more:

Snack Smartly: Be Hale and Hearty. 

Stay Fit While You Work.

Walk for Health.

Diabetes Risk Calculator – Test Your Diabetes with Online Tool

Are you suffering from diabetes and not know it? One in four Americans with diabetes has it and doesn’t know it. Take this test to see if you are at risk for type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Statistics (According to American Diabetes Association)

Data from the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (released Jan. 26, 2011)

Total prevalence of diabetes

Total: 25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3% of the population—have diabetes.

Diagnosed: 18.8 million people

Undiagnosed: 7.0 million people

Prediabetes: 79 million people*

New Cases: 1.9 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older in 2010.

Here IControlMyHealth Providing you Diabetes Risk Calculator where you can easily test your Diabetes Risk


Click for Diabetes Risk Calculator Tool

Share Your Score with us in comments.

Read More Diabetes Article, News, Spotlight of the Day

New Meal Plan to Beat Diabetes

Having a Family History of Diabetes? Check your Blood Sugar Levels Regularly

Low Temperature Cooking and Type 2 diabetes

Six Natural Ways to Combat Depression

People suffering from depression usually lose interest in things they otherwise used to enjoy. They may shows specific changes in bodily functions such as crying spells, body aches, low energy or libido, as well as problems with eating, and weight. The diagnosis of depression is tricky, as with most people, the symptoms go unnoticed until they are self-reported or recognized by a family member. The guidelines issued by The American Psychiatric Association (APA) recommend an initial assessment by a professional so that preferences and concerns about the treatment are understood clearly. Understand step-wise treatment approach for depression, suggested by national clinical guidelines. You may also take up a quick self-assessment test to know if you are suffering from depression, before seeing a professional.

6 ways to Combat Depression

The psychotherapy and use of antidepressants is considered as the first line therapy for treating depression. However, some people prefer the alternative medication due to concern of side effects associated with antidepressants. The herbal drug St Jhon’s Wortand Dietary supplement S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe)has been recommended by clinical guidelines for treatment of depression. Read how the herbal drugs and dietary supplements work for depression. You may consider some of the natural ways as your depression treatment options.

Increase Consumption of Fish

Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids in abundance. Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to cause changes in chemical signal transmissionbetween brain cells which is interrupted during depression. Learn what exactly happens in the brain during depression. Consume fish species such as wild salmon, striped bass, mackerel, rainbow trout, halibut, and sardines.

Take Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins are involved in synthesis and breakdown of neurotransmittersessential for the normal functioning of brain. Intake of Vitamin B6 is found to be very effective in relieving premenstrual depressive symptoms.

Join a Yoga class

Yoga has always been viewed as a method of stress management that can assist in alleviating depression. Clinical evidence suggests that various exercises and positions (asnas) are effective in relieving depressive symptoms. For example, Shavasana, which consists of rhythmic breathing and relaxation, has been studied and found beneficial in cases of severe depression.

Meditate In A Quiet Place

Meditation distracts you from the negative sensations and thoughts. It’s a simple technique and can be performed at home on your own.  Meditation improves overall psychological health and reduces depression.

Be Physically Active

Exercise is an excellent option to lift up your mood. Role of exercise in relieving symptoms of depression has been studied extensively in adults suffering from depression. Clinical studies suggest that aerobic and high-energy resistance exercise produces meaningful reductions in depression symptoms that are comparable with psychotherapy.

Consider Relaxation

Clinical evidence supports the use of relaxation techniques for reducing self-reported depressive symptoms. A clinical study found that relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery significantly improved depression symptoms and quality of life in people with advanced cancer.

Read More Healthy Post on I Control My Health Blog

New Meal Plan to Beat Diabetes

According to one latest European study, published in the journal Diabetologia, people who follow Mediterranean diet are at a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Experiencing rapid weight loss? You might be suffering from diabetes

The American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) position statement suggests that, “Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is important in preventing diabetes, managing existing diabetes, and preventing, or at least slowing, the rate of development of diabetes complications. It is, therefore, important to adapt the diabetes prevention initiatives to slow the progression of diabetes.


Mediterranean diet is a healthy eating plan, which includes a lot of fish, fruit and vegetables, and healthy fats from olive oil. The diet is very popular for its protective effects against heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and in addition, it reduces the risk for Alzheimer’s disease, and depression.

Do you know fresh fruits deter type 2 diabetes?

meal plan for diabetes

Recently Rossi and colleagues assessed the role of Mediterranean diet in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. In the study, researchers analyzed dietary pattern of more than 22,000 people in Greece for about 11 years. Over that period, approximately 2,300 of them developed diabetes.

In addition, another parallel study was conducted to examine the effect of low-glycemic index (GI) diet (which control carbohydrates (carbs) intake based on their impact on raising blood sugar levels) in lowering diabetes risk.

  • Researchers found that people who followed the Mediterranean diet sincerely were 12 percent less likely to develop diabetes as compared to the people who followed it least
  • On the contrary, people who consumed the maximum carbs in their diets had a 21 percent higher risk of developing diabetes as compared to those who consumed the less carbs 

According to various findings, a low glycemic index diet may improve glycemic control and reduce plaque buildup in arteries of those with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is advised not to eliminate carbs from the diet but choose those that do not spike the blood glucose levels.

Control your appetite by following low GI diet

It is concluded from the study that individuals who follow a high Mediterranean diet and a low-glycemic index diet tend to have the lowest diabetes risk.

Read more:


Rossi M, Turati F, Lagiou P, et al. Mediterranean diet and glycaemic load in relation to incidence of type 2 diabetes: results from the Greek cohort of the population-based European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Diabetologia. 2013. DOI 10.1007/s00125-013-3013-y

A Glass of Wine May Keep You Away from Depression

A new study conducted is Spain reveals enticing news that, moderate consumption of wine may reduce the incidence of depression. However, it is important to note that the study specifies only ‘moderate drinking’, as heavy consumption of alcohol has been associated with increased risk for depression.


Depression is one of the most prevalent mood disorders in the world and it is increasing steadily. It is estimated that by 2020, depression will be the leading cause for disability (physical or mental impairment which shows impact on day-to-day activities) worldwide. Learn how widespread depression is? In many people, stressful life events such as difficult relationship, losing a loved one, losing a job, alcohol or substance abuse etc. can trigger depressive episodes. Are you passing through a difficult phase in life? Find out if you are suffering from depression?

According to the new study reports, adults who enjoy low to moderate consumption of wine are less likely to suffer depression than those who drink too much alcohol or those who don’t drink at all. During the study the scientists followed 5,505 Spanish men and women, in the age group of 55 to 80 years, for a period of seven years. The participants were periodically contacted and questioned about their lifestyle and alcohol consumption patterns. All the participants who were considered for the final analysis were free of any depressive or alcohol use disorder.

At the end of follow-up period, few people were diagnosed to have depression. The scientists looked at the drinking pattern of all the participants and observed that, people who consumed low to moderate alcohol (0 to 15 g/day) were at lower risk of developing depression. Interestingly, drinking wine (two to seven drinks/week) was strongly associated with lower incidence of depression.

The role of wine consumption in preventing depression can be accounted for presence of trans-resveratrol, an antioxidant which shows neuroprotective action in the brain. Learn what exactly happens to the brain during depression. According to the study authors, wine consumption exerts protection in a similar way to what has been observed for coronary heart disease. The scientists also noted that, wine-drinkers involved in this study had an overall healthy lifestyle of regular physical activity and healthy diet. Understand the role of regular physically activity and healthy diet in alleviating depressive symptoms.

The results of this study reveal some fascinating benefits of low to moderate wine consumption in management of depression. Learn more about natural ways to prevent or reduce your depression.


Gea A, Beunza JJ, Estruch R, et al. Alcohol intake, wine consumption and the development of depression: the PREDIMED study.BMC Med. 2013; 11(1):192.

Sleep is the Best Medication

Sleep is the Best Medication

Are you sleeping during work hours?

Are you having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning?

Do you need to totally rely on an alarm clock to wake up on time?

Do you feel lethargic in the afternoon?

Someday or the other, we all have experienced such situations in our lives. Many of us have even scrambled a lot to meet the never-ending demands at work and at times preferred to cut back on sleep. To cope with the basic needs of the fast-paced society, we often forget to give importance to sleep, which is the foremost requirement of our body.


Failure to catch up on the regular sleep hours and pattern can show many adverse effects on our overall health. Lack of proper sleep can directly affect our mood, energy, and ability to cope up with stress. Our performance during the day is solely dependent on the amount of sleep we get the night before. Sleep deprivation can lead to number of chronic diseases and conditions such asdiabetesCardiovascular Diseases (CVD)obesityhigh cholesterol, and depression.

People who suffer depression lose interest in things they otherwise used to enjoy. know more about the symptoms of depression.

We all live in this illusion that exercise and healthy diet are the only essential lifestyle habits for optimal health. However, that is not completely true. Sleep is mandatory to maintain our productivity, emotional balance, creativity, and even Body Mass Index (BMI). High-quality sleep not only boosts the memory but also keeps the stress hormone levels in check, and even prevents the onset of depression by producing enough serotonin. BMI is a fair and reliable indicator of body fatness. To calculate your BMI click here.

average sleep according to age

While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between seven and a half to nine hours of sleep per night. The children and teens need even more hours of sleep. Since older adults, face trouble getting a sound sleep due to night awakenings, daytime naps can help fill in the gap.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult sleeps less than seven hours per night. However, in the fast-paced life, six or seven hours of sleep is quiet sufficient. The following table gives the average sleep hours needed according to the age.

Despite being aware of all the health benefits of sleep, we fail to get enough sleep. However, by .adopting some simpler rules in our lives, we can tackle our sleep problems.

Eight Tips for Better Sleep:

  • Every night try to sleep for at least for seven and a half hours 
  • Maintain a sleep diary: Record when you go to bed, when you get up, and your total hours of sleep
  • No blue light: Blue light  suppresses melatonin, the sleep-regulating hormone  therefore, switch off the television, computer, or any electronic gadgets before bedtime
  • Relax yourself: Before you dose off, relax yourself by taking a warm bath, listening to soft music, or by reading a book
  • Set your schedule: The way you schedule your time for work and other important things, you should also schedule enough time for sleep
  • Say ‘No’ to caffeine: Caffeine interferes with sleep so avoid any such products three to four hours before bedtime
  • Take a sleep vacation: Whenever you have a flexible schedule, go to the bed at the same time every night and make sure you sleep until you wake up naturally

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